The Renaissance Jeweler - A GoldSmith's Workshop - Hand Crafting Circa 1572



I have always loved history. And, I have always loved jewelry. So, I am very happy to have found a way to explore both of these passions at the same time here on my blog about the wonderful world of jewelry.

painting by Alessandro Fei (1543-92) | Peter's Vault

Above is a painting by Alessandro Fei (1543-92) This oil painting was made for the Studiolo of the Grand Duke Francesco de” Medici between 1570 and 1575. The Studiolo was a room in the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, where the paintings concealed the cupboards behind in which the Grand Duke kept his mineral specimens, like rock crystal objects, jewels, gold, silver, and I am sure pearls as well. (I love pearls so just go with me here ;) 

This painting of a Goldsmith's workshop appears to portray the Florentine court craftsmen, at work in the Casino San Marco. It shows many different aspects of normal goldsmith’s work, from the preparatory drawings and designs pinned up for their guidance to the furnaces for casting and annealing.

There are two standing men hammering out dishes while another sits chasing a silver basin. In the foreground sits the master goldsmith working on the Medici Grand Ducal crown and holding it with his left hand; the design for the crown is pinned up where he can refer to it at a glance.


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